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Expectations for Student Attendance



To report an absence, a parent/guardian or emergency contact may use one of the following methods:
  • Call 530-347-7171, extension 4
  • Email a department staff member from the email on your Aeries parent account
  • Provide a written note from parent or emergency contact
  • Provide a written note from doctor 


McAbel, Amanda
Paul, Tami
Gibson, Terra
Simonsen, Niki
The AUHSD Board believes that regular attendance plays a key role in student achievement and recognizes their responsibility under the law to ensure that students attend school regularly. Parents/guardians of children aged six to 18 are obligated to send their children to school unless otherwise provided by law. The Board shall abide by all state attendance laws and may use appropriate legal means to correct the problems of excessive absence or truancy. Review the links provided on this page for clarification on the California Education Codes. 


Tardy Policy
It is important for students to be punctual to class to get the most of instructional time, and cause minimal disruption to other students. West Valley High School enforces the following tardy policy:
Unexcused Tardies 
1 hour after school detention & parent/guardian notification 
1 hour after school detention & parent/guardian notification 
Saturday School and parent/guardian notification
All day in-office detention and parent/guardian conference
Notification to parent/guardian & referral to Site Study Team (SST)
Tardy Sweeps 
Administrators and the campus supervisor will perform tardy sweeps at random several times per week. If students are not in class when the tardy bell rings without a pass from a teacher, they will immedicately be issued a detention, campus beautificaiton assignement, or Saturday School.
One-Minute Warning Music 
In an attempt to reduce tardiness, music will play for one minute before the tardy bell rings. The weekly song sets the tone for the school day and really makes students hustle to class! Suggest a song to play for the one-minute warning by taking the survey here:  Tardy Warning Music
Off Campus Passes 
WVHS is a closed campus. Students are to remain on campus during school hours unless a valid reason, such as an illness or doctor's appointment, arises. If your student must leave campus during the school day, they must obtain an off campus pass (OCP) via one of the methods listed under "Reporting an Absence" on this page.
Students are not permitted to ride with other students during the school day regardless of possessing an OCP. Students who violate this policy will be subject to Saturday School or suspension.  
Below are some examples of reasons your student may or may not obtain an OCP:
 Appropriate Request for OCP
Inappropriate Request for OCP
  • Illness
  • Medical appointment
  • Dental appointment
  • Court hearing 
  • To get lunch
  • Finished an exam early
  • Missed an ROP bus
  • Forgot something at home
  • DMV test 


Research show that students who miss 10% of school, which is just 2 days per month, show negative academic progress.   That adds up to 18 days per school year and is considered to be chronic absence!